I found out about Gentleman Reg from a movie I watched called Wilby Wonderful because it had Ellen Page in it. I heard his song, "Given The Chance To Fall" play at the beginning of the film and was instantly hooked to his music. Mostly because of his different vocal style and catchy yet simplistic sounds. I then checked out his song, "We're In A Thunderstorm" when Psapp remixed it and found out about his album Jet Black that released in 2009 and was introduced to even more powerful and soothing songs for that everyday life.
Now, Gentleman Reg is coming back with a hard hit this year. He's kind of been out of the picture with his last release. He's releasing the new album in three parts, he's released the first part on July 3rd and let me tell you, if the songs on the first one represents the style of the album, I'm giving it a five star rating. It's songs filled with pop/rock elements and relatable lyrics that you can easily remember and sing to in your car. I'm sure that Mr. Reg himself would appreciate the love if you recorded yourself actually doing that. I have to say I am excited for the new album and will purchase it when it comes out this fall!
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Purchase his music here! Listen to his music here!
Free Downloads
Give Me The Chance To Fall
Selective Songs From Jet Black
We're In A Thunderstorm (Psapp's Megacake Remix)
Waiting Around For Gold
~His look reminds me of Winter~
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